Package 'glinvci'

Title: Phylogenetic Comparative Methods with Uncertainty Estimates
Description: A framework for analytically computing the asymptotic confidence intervals and maximum-likelihood estimates of a class of continuous-time Gaussian branching processes defined by Mitov V, Bartoszek K, Asimomitis G, Stadler T (2019) <doi:10.1016/j.tpb.2019.11.005>. The class of model includes the widely used Ornstein-Uhlenbeck and Brownian motion branching processes. The framework is designed to be flexible enough so that the users can easily specify their own sub-models, or re-parameterizations, and obtain the maximum-likelihood estimates and confidence intervals of their own custom models.
Authors: Woodrow Kiang [cre, aut]
Maintainer: Woodrow Kiang <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 1.2.4
Built: 2025-03-12 04:14:34 UTC

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Clone a GLInv model


The clone_model function is a S3 generic method for either the glinv or glinv_gauss class.


clone_model(mod, ...)

## S3 method for class 'glinv_gauss'
clone_model(mod, ...)

## S3 method for class 'glinv'
clone_model(mod, ...)



An object of either glinv or glinv_gauss class.


Further arguments to be passed to the S3 methods. Not used currently.


Because glinv or glinv_gauss object is mutable, the assignment model2 = model1 will not make a copy your model. The correct way to copy a model is to use the clone_model function.


A new model that is a clone of mod.


repar = get_restricted_ou(H=NULL, theta=c(0,0), Sig='diag', lossmiss=NULL)
mod1 = glinv(tree    = ape::rtree(10),
             x0      = c(0,0),
             X       = NULL,
             repar   = repar)
mod2 = mod1
mod3 = clone_model(mod1)
traits = matrix(rnorm(20), 2, 10)
set_tips(mod1, traits)
print(has_tipvals(mod1))  # TRUE
print(has_tipvals(mod2))  # TRUE
print(has_tipvals(mod3))  # FALSE

Fitting a GLInv model via numerical optimisation


fit.glinv finds the maximum likelihood estimate of a glinv model by solving a numerical optimisation problem.


## S3 method for class 'glinv'
  parinit = NULL,
  method = "L-BFGS-B",
  lower = -Inf,
  upper = Inf,
  use_optim = FALSE,
  project = NULL,
  projectArgs = NULL,
  num_threads = 2L,
  control = list(),



An object of class glinv.


A vector, parameter for initialisation of the optimisation routine.


One of L-BFGS-B, CG, BB, or any other methods which is accepted by optim.


A vector of lower bounds on the parameters.


A vector of upper bounds on the parameters.


If true, use optim's version of L-BFGS-B and CG.


Passed to BBoptim.


Passed to BBoptim.


Number of threads to use when computing the gradient


Options to be passed into each the underlying optimisation routine's control argument.


Not used.


If method is L-BFGS-B, then lbfgsb3c is used for optimisation; if it is CG then Rcgmin from the optimx package is used; if it is BB then BBoptim is used, otherwise the method argument is passed to optim.

By default, L-BFGS-B declares convergence when the change of function value is small, CG tests stops when change of gradient squared-Euclidean-norm is small, BB stops when either the change of function values, or the infinity norm of a project gradient, is small. These can be changed through the control argument and the user should refer to the optimisation packages' respective documentation for details.

The user can opt for using optim's version of CG and L-BFGS-B. The implementation in optim of the methods does not incorporate improvements of the methods in the recent decades, but they have stood the test of time.

If parinit were not supplied and the distance between lower and upper is infinite, the initialisation point of the optimisation is drawn from a uniform distribution ranging [-1,1] distribution. If initalisation were not supplied, but the distance between lower and upper is finite, then the initialisation is drawn from a uniform distribution ranging [lower, upper].


fit.glinv returns a list containing at least the following elements:


The maximum likelihood estimate.


The log-likelihood at the maximum likelihood estimate.


The gradient of log-likelihood at the maximum likelihood estimate.


Zero if the optimisation routine has converged successfully.


A message from the optimisation routine.

Convenience function for constructing restricted/reparameterised OU parameterisation function.


get_restricted_ou is a convenience function for constructing restricted/reparameterised OU parameterisation.


get_restricted_ou(H = NULL, theta = NULL, Sig = NULL, lossmiss = "halt")



One of NULL, 'symmetric', 'logspd', 'spd', 'diag', 'logdiag', 'zero', or a numerical vector specifying fixed parameters.


One of NULL, 'zero', or a numerical vector specifying fixed parameters.


One of NULL, 'diag', or a numerical vector specifying fixed parameters.


One of NULL, 'zap', 'halt'.


get_restricted_ou is intended to provide a more convenient way to construct the restrictions functions, restricted Jacobian and Hessian, than the more flexible methods described in parameter_restriction.

If either one of H, theta is 'zero' but not both, the function stops with error. This is because former is statistically not sensible, and the latter can be done by directly passing a vector of zero to the theta argument.

If lossmiss is NULL, the returned functions does not have capability to handle missing or lost values.


A list containing the following elements:


A reparameterisation function conforming to the format required by the parfns argument of glinv.


A Jacobian function of the above reparameterisation function conforming to the format required by the parjacs argument of glinv.


A Hessian function of the above reparameterisation function conforming to the format required by the parhess argument of glinv.


A function which accepts one integer argument, the total number of dimensions of the multivariate traits, and returns the number of parameters of the restricted model.


### --- STEP 1: Make an example tree
set.seed(0x5EEDL, kind='Super-Duper')
ntips = 200
k     = 2                 # No. of trait dimensions
tr    = ape::rtree(ntips) 
x0    = rnorm(k)

### --- STEP 2: Make a model which has unrestricted H, fixed theta and diagonal Sigma_x'.
repar = get_restricted_ou(H=NULL, theta=c(3,1), Sig='diag', lossmiss=NULL)
mod   = glinv(tr, x0, X=NULL,
              pardims =repar$nparams(k),
              parfns  =repar$par,
              parjacs =repar$jac,
              parhess =repar$hess)
# Actually, to save typing, the following short-cut call is the same as the above:
# mod = glinv(tr, x0, X=NULL, repar=repar)

### --- STEP 3: Set up parameters; H, theta, and sig_x needs to be concatenated
H     = matrix(c(1,0,0,-1), k)
theta = c(3,1)
sig   = matrix(c(0.25,0,0,0.25), k)
sig_x = t(chol(sig))
par_truth = c(H=H, sig_x=c(0.5,0.5))

### --- STEP 4: Get a simulated data set to toy with
X = rglinv(mod, par=par_truth)
set_tips(mod, X)

### --- STEP 5: Make an unrestricted model object to compare with the one
### whose parameters are restricted.
mod_unrestricted = glinv(tr, x0, X,

### --- STEP 6: Confirm this is indeed the same as typing everything manually
## Does the restricted model gives the same likelihood as the unrestricted? (Yes, it does.)
LIK   = lik(mod)(par_truth)
LIK_unrestricted = lik(mod_unrestricted)(c(H,theta,sig_x[lower.tri(sig_x, diag=TRUE)]))
print(LIK == LIK_unrestricted)
# [1] TRUE
## We can as well type everything manually as follows. This mod_manual should be
## the same as the mod object; just a different way of calling the glinv function.
mod_manual = glinv(tr, x0, X,
                   pardims  = nparams_ou_fixedtheta_diagSig(k),
                   parfns   = ou_fixedtheta_diagSig(oupar,   theta=c(3,1)),
                   parjacs  = dou_fixedtheta_diagSig(oujac,  theta=c(3,1)),
                   parhess  = hou_fixedtheta_diagSig(ouhess, theta=c(3,1)))
LIK_manual = lik(mod_manual)(par_truth)
print(LIK == LIK_manual) #It's really the same
# [1] TRUE

Construct an GLInv model with respect to user-specified parametrisation


The glinv function construct an object of class glinv, which represents a GLInv model with respect to a user-specified parametrisation.

The lik.glinv function returns a function which accepts a parameter vector, which is of length mod$nparams, and returns the log-likelihood.

The grad.glinv function returns a function which accepts a parameter vector, which is of length mod$nparams, and returns the gradient of log-likelihood with respect to this parametrisation.

The hess.glinv function returns a function which accepts a parameter vector, which is of length mod$nparams, and returns the Hessian matrix of log-likelihood with respect to this parametrisation.


  parfns = NULL,
  pardims = NULL,
  regimes = NULL,
  parjacs = NULL,
  parhess = NULL,
  repar = NULL

## S3 method for class 'glinv'
print(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'glinv'
lik(mod, ...)

## S3 method for class 'glinv'
  num_threads = 2L,
  numDerivArgs = list(method = "Richardson", method.args = list(d = 0.5, r = 3)),

## S3 method for class 'glinv'
  num_threads = 2L,
  numDerivArgs = list(method = "Richardson", method.args = list(d = 0.5, r = 3)),
  store_gaussian_hessian = FALSE,

## S3 method for class 'glinv'
plot(x, internal_nodes = TRUE, ...)



A tree of class phylo.


A vector representing the root's trait vector. Must not contain NA and NaN.


Optional. A matrix of trait values, in which X[p,n] stores the p-th dimension of the multivariate trait of the n-th tip of the phylogeny. NA and NaN has special meanings (See Details).


A list of functions that maps from the user-parametrisation to the underlying Gaussian parameters. Each of them returns a vector of concatenated (Φ,w,V)(\Phi, w, V'), where VV' is the lower triangular part of VV, and accepts four arguments: a vector of parameters whose length is specified by the pardims argument to the glinv_gauss function, the branch length leading to the currently processing node, a vector of factors with three levels indicating which dimensions are missing or lost in the mother of the current node, and a vector of factors with the same three levels indicating missingness of the current node.


A vector of integers, which has the same amount elements as the length of parfns. pardims[i] indicates the length of the parameter vector that parfns[i] accepts.


A list of length-two integer vectors. Each of these length-two vectors specifies an evolutionary regime and consists of a named element start, which specifies the node ID at which an evolutionary regime starts, and another named element fn, which is an index of parfns, indicating which parametrisation function this evolutionary regime should use.


A list of functions, which has the same amount elements as that of parfns. parjacs[i] accepts the same arguments as parfns[i] and returns the Jacobian of parfns[i].


A list of functions, which has the same amount elements as that of parfn[i]. parhess[i] accepts the same arguments as parfns[i] and returns a list of three 3D arrays, named Phi, w, V respectively inside the list. ((parhess[[i]])(...))$Phi[m,i,j] contains the cross second-order partial derivative of Φm\Phi_m (here we treat the matrix Φ\Phi as a column-major-flattened vector) with respect to the ii-th andjj-th user parameters; while ((parhess[[i]])(...))$w[m,i,j] and ((parhess[[i]])(...))$V[m,i,j] analogously contains second-order derivative of wmw_m and VmV'_m.


Optional. One or a list of object returned by get_restricted_ou. This is a convenient short-cut alternative to supplying pardims, parfns, parjacs, and parhess one-by-one.


An object of class glinv.


Not used.


An object of class glinv.


Number of threads to use.


Arguments to pass to numDeriv::jacobian. Only used the user did not specify the parjacs arguments when creating mod.


If TRUE and method is not mc, the returned list will contain a (usually huge) Hessian matrix gaussian_hessian with respect to the Gaussian parameters Φ,w,V\Phi, w, V'. This option significantly increases the amount of memory the function uses, in order to store the matrix.


Boolean, whether to plot the internal nodes's numbers


Models for glinv assumes one or more evolutionary regimes exists in the phylogeny. The regimes parameters defines how many regimes there are, where do the regimes start, and what parameterisation function it has. If regimes were NULL then a single regime starting from the root node is assumed. Multiple regimes could share the same parametrisation function (and thus the same parameters) by specifying the same index; therefore the number of regimes may differs from the number of parametrisation functions. One and only one regime must start from the root of the phylogeny.

If X contains NA in the pp-th dimension of the ii-th tip (whose node ID is also ii) then XpiX_pi is tagged MISSING. No other tags of any other nodes are changed. The pp-th dimension of any node jj, regardless of whether or not it is an internal node or a tips, is tagged LOST if and only if the pp-th dimension of all tips inside the clade started at jj are NaN. Any entry that is neither LOST nor MISSING are tagged OK. These tags are then passed into the user-defined functions parfns etc. as arguments; therefore the user is free to specify how these tags are handled. x0 cannot contain missing values, and the vectors of missingness tags passed to parfns, for any nodes, are always of the same length as x0.

Before this package calls the functions in parhess, it adds, into the function's environment, a variable named INFO__ which contains some extra information.

Passing a single function to parfns is equivalent to passing a singleton list; and the same is true for parjacs, parhess, and pardims.


The glinv function returns a model object of S3 class glinv. Elements are:


An object of class glinv_gauss.


Identical to the regimes argument.


An integer vector of the same length as the number of nodes. The ii-th element is the regime ID (corresponding to the index in the regimes argument to the glinv_gauss function) of node ii. NA at the root.


A factor matrix with three ordered levels, LOST, OK, and MISSING. Each column corresponds to a node and row to a trait dimension.


The sum of the pardims argument, an integer.


Identical to the pardims arguemnt.


An integer vector of the same length as the number of nodes. The ii-th element is the index of parfns that corresponds to node ii. NA at the root.


Identical to the parfns argument.


Identical to the parjacs argument.


Identical to the parhess argument.


A KK-by-2 matrix of integer indicies, where KK is the length of parfns. If v is a vector that lik.glinv accepts, then v[parsegments[k,1]:parsegments[k,2]] is the parameter vector should parfns[[k]] accept.


A NN-by-2 matrix of integer indicies, where NN is the number of nodes. If w is a vector that lik.glinv_gauss accepts, then w[gausssegments[i,1]:gausssegments[i,2]] is the concatenated (Φ,w,V)(\Phi, w, V') corresponding to node ii.


A function that accepts a parameter vector of length nparams and returns a parameter vector of length rawmod$nparams. When called, this function traverses the tree, calls the functions in parfns on each node, and assemble the results into a format that lik.glinv_gauss accepts.


A function that accepts a parameter vector of length nparams and returns a pp-by-qq Jacobian matrix, where pp is rawmod$nparams and qq is nparams in this object. When called, this function traverses the tree, calls the functions in parjacs on each node, and row-concatenates the result in an order consistent with what lik.glinv_gauss accepts.


The original data (trait) matrix in a "normalized" format.


Mitov V, Bartoszek K, Asimomitis G, Stadler T (2019). “Fast likelihood calculation for multivariate Gaussian phylogenetic models with shifts.” Theor. Popul. Biol..


### --- STEP 1: Make an example tree
set.seed(0x5EEDL, kind='Super-Duper')
ntips = 200
k     = 2                 # No. of trait dimensions
tr    = ape::rtree(ntips) 
x0    = rnorm(k)

### --- STEP 2: Make a model object. We use OU as an example.
###             Assume H is a positively definite diagonal matrix and in
###             log scale.
mod = glinv(tr, x0, X=NULL,
            parfns  = list(ou_logdiagH(ou_haltlost(oupar))),
            pardims = list(nparams_ou_diagH(k)),
            parjacs = list(dou_logdiagH(dou_haltlost(oujac))),
            parhess = list(hou_logdiagH(hou_haltlost(ouhess))))

### --- STEP 3: Set up parameters; H, theta, and sig_x needs to be concatenated
H     = matrix(c(2,0,0,1/2), k) #Diagonals, 
theta = c(0,0)
sig   = matrix(c(0.5,0.1,0.1,0.2), k)
sig_x = t(chol(sig))
## glinvci ALWAYS assumes diagonals of sig_x is in log scale.
diag(sig_x) = log(diag(sig_x))
par_truth = c(logdiagH=log(diag(H)),theta=theta,sig_x=sig_x[lower.tri(sig_x,diag=TRUE)])
## Now par_truth the vector of parameters in the right format that the model
## can consume. Notice about we use log(diag(H)) because we specified ou
## logdiagH earlier.

### --- STEP 4: Simulate a data set from the model and the true parameters,
### then set this data into the model.
X = rglinv(mod, par=par_truth)
set_tips(mod, X)

### --- STEP 5: Try computing the likelihood, gradient and Hessian justifying
### for illustration purpose.

### --- STEP 6: Fit a model; here we use the truth as initialisation
### only for illustration purpose to reduce load on CRAN's server. In reality
### you usually want to initialise with either some best guess or random
### values.
fitted = fit(mod, parinit = par_truth)

### --- STEP 7: Estimate the variance-covariance matrix of the MLE
v_estimate = varest(mod, fitted)

### --- STEP 8: Get marginal confidence intervals; and compare with the truth.
print(marginal_ci(v_estimate, lvl=0.95)) 

Construct an object representing a GLInv model with respect to the underlying Gaussian process parameters.


The glinv_gauss function constructs an object of class glinv_gauss, which represents a lower-level GLInv model with respect to the underlying Gaussian process space. The likelihood Hessian of, for example, Brownian motion and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck models can be computed by applying the calculus chain rule to the output of Jacobians and Hessians from this class.

The lik.glinv_gauss function computes the likelihood of a full glinv_gauss model.

The grad.glinv_gauss function computes the log-likelihood gradients of a glinv_gauss models. If par is NULL, it returns a function that, when called, returns the same thing as if grad.glinv_gauss were called with par argument.

The hess.glinv_gauss function computes the log-likelihood Hessian of a glinv_gauss models.


glinv_gauss(tree, x0, dimtab = NULL, X = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'glinv_gauss'
lik(mod, par = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'glinv_gauss'
grad(mod, par = NULL, lik = FALSE, num_threads = 2L, ...)

## S3 method for class 'glinv_gauss'
  par = NULL,
  lik = FALSE,
  grad = FALSE,
  directions = NULL,
  num_threads = 2L,

## S3 method for class 'glinv_gauss'
print(x, ...)



A tree of class ape::phylo.


A vector representing the root's trait vector.


An integer, a vector of integers, or NULL, specifying the number of dimensions of each nodes of the tree. If it is a vector, dimtab[n] is the trait vector dimension of node n. If it is only a single integer than all nodes are assumed to have the same amount of dimensions. If it is NULL then all nodes are asummed to have the same amount of dimensions as x0.


Trait values, either a matrix in which X[p,n] stores the pp-th dimension of the multivariate trait of the nn-th tip of the phylogeny, or a list in which X[[n]] is a numeric vector representing the multivariate trait of the nn-th tip. The latter form is required if not all the tips has the same number of dimensions.


A model object of class glinv_gauss.


A vector, containing the parameters at which the likelihood should be computed.


Not used.


If TRUE, grad.glinv_gauss and hess.glinv_gauss returns also the log-likelihood.


Number of threads to use.


If TRUE, hess.glinv_gauss returns also the gradient.


Either NULL or a matrix with mod$nparams many rows and arbitrarily many columns. If NULL, 'hess.glinv_gauss' returns the Hessian matrix itself, which is typically a huge matrix; otherwise, the funciton returns a square matrix MM such that MijM_ij contains diTHdjd_i^T H d_j, where did_i is the ii-th column of directions and HH is the huge Hessian matrix, without storing HH itself in memory.


An object of class glinv_gauss.


The glinv_gauss class does not include any information for dealing with evolutionary regimes, lost traits, and missing data, nor does it facilitate reparametrisation. These are all functionality of the glinv class instead. The member variables of the objects of the glinv_gauss class only are for the users' convenience to read the information about the model, and the user should not modify its member variables directly.

For each non-root node ii in the phylogeny, the multivariate trait vector xix_i follows a Gaussian distribution with mean Φixj+wi\Phi_i x_j + w_i and variance ViV_i when conditioned on the mother's trait vector xjx_j. The ‘parameters’ of this model is, therefore, the joint of all (Φi,wiVi)(\Phi_i, w_i V'_i) for all nodes ii. The root does not have any associated parameters.

The parameter vector par should be the concatenation of all (Φi,wi,Vi)(\Phi_i, w_i, V'_i) in accending order sorted by ii, the node number (which is the same node numbers as in tree$edge). The matrix Φi\Phi_i is flattened in column-major order and ViV'_i is the lower-triangular part of V_i, column-major-flattened. Since the root does not have parameters, its entry is simply skipped. For example, if a binary tree has 10 non-root nodes in total and each of them are 3 dimensional, then each (Φi,wi,Vi)(\Phi_i, w_i, V'_i) should have 9+3+6=189+3+6=18 elements; thus after concatenation par should be a 180 elements.


An object of S3 class glinv_gauss with the following components


A pointer to an internal C structure.


Same as the tree argument but with some pre-processing in its edge table


The tree argument.


The trait vector at the root of the tree.


Identical to the dimtab argument.


The number of dimension of the parameter space of this model.


Mitov V, Bartoszek K, Asimomitis G, Stadler T (2019). “Fast likelihood calculation for multivariate Gaussian phylogenetic models with shifts.” Theor. Popul. Biol..


tr = ape::rtree(3)
model = glinv_gauss(tr, x0=c(0,0), X=matrix(rnorm(6),2,3))
par = unlist(
   list('Phi' = c(1,0,0,1), # Parameters for node #1, a tip
        'w'   = c(-1,1),
        'V'   = c(1,0,1)),  # Lower triangular part of a 2D identity matrix
   list('Phi' = c(2,0,0,2), # For node #2, a tip
        'w'   = c(-2,2),
        'V'   = c(2,0,2)),
   list('Phi' = c(3,0,0,3), # For node #3, a tip
        'w'   = c(-3,3),
        'V'   = c(3,0,3)),
   list('Phi' = c(4,0,0,4), # For node #5. Node #4 skipped as it is the root
        'w'   = c(-4,4),
        'V'   = c(4,0,4))
lik(model, par)
grad(model, par)
hess(model, par)

glinvci: Confidence intervals and hypothesis testing for GLInv model


The glinvci package provides a framework for computing the maximum-likelihood estimates and asymptotic confidence intervals of a class of continuous-time Gaussian branching processes, including the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck branching process, which is commonly used in phylogenetic comparative methods. The framework is designed to be flexible enough that the user can easily specify their own parameterisation and obtain the maximum-likelihood estimates and confidence intervals of their own parameters.


Hao Chi Kiang, [email protected]

Compute the log-likelihood gradients of GLInv models


For the glinv class, which is a high-level user interface, please see grad.glinv; and for glinv_gauss, which is a lower-level facility, please see grad.glinv_gauss.


grad(mod, ...)



An object of either glinv or glinv_gauss class.


Further arguments to be passed to the S3 methods.


A numerical vector containing the gradient of mod.

Check if a glinv_gauss model contains trait values at their tips.


Returns true if and only if the glinv_gauss model were initialised with X=NULL and the user had never called set_tips on it.



## S3 method for class 'glinv_gauss'

## S3 method for class 'glinv'



A glinv_gauss object.


A Boolean. True if mod contains tip trait values and false otherwise.

Compute the log-likelihood Hessian of GLInv models


For the glinv class, which is a high-level user interface, please see hess.glinv; and for glinv_gauss, which is a lower-level facility, please see hess.glinv_gauss.


hess(mod, ...)



An object of either glinv or glinv_gauss class.


Further arguments to be passed to the S3 methods.


A numerical square matrix containing the Hessian of mod.

Compute the likelihood of a GLInv model


This is a S3 generic method. For the glinv class, which is a high-level user interface, please see lik.glinv; and for glinv_gauss, which is a lower-level facility, please see lik.glinv_gauss.


lik(mod, ...)



An object of either glinv or glinv_gauss class.


Further arguments to be passed to the S3 methods.


A numerical scalar containing the likelihood of mod.

Getting marginal confidence interval for GLInv model


marginal_ci computes the marginal confidence interval for each parameters using the variance-covariance matrix output by 'varest.glinv'.


marginal_ci(varest_result, lvl = 0.95)



The output from 'varest.glinv'.


Confidence level. Default to 95 percent.


A matrix pp-by-2 matrix where pp is the number of parameters. The first column is the lower limits and second column is the upper limits.

Get the number of parameters of the unrestricted OU model


nparams_ou returns the number of parameters of the unrestricted OU model. For the restricted models, including Brownian motion, see parameter_restriction for details.





An Integer. The total number of dimensions of the multivariate traits.


A numerical scalar, which is the number of parameters of the the unrestricted OU model.

Handling missing data and lost traits in Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes


ou_haltlost and ou_zaplost handles lost traits and missing data. Each of them wraps the function oupar and returns a new function that accepts the same arguments and output the same form of result, but takes into account lost traits and missing data. dou_haltlost and dou_zaplost wraps the Jacobian function oujac, and hou_haltlost and hou_zaplost wraps the Hessian function ouhess.










A function that maps from the user-parametrisation to the underlying Gaussian parameters. Each of them returns a vector of concatenated (Φ,w,V)(\Phi, w, V'), where VV' is the lower triangular part of VV, and accepts four arguments: a vector of parameters whose length is specified by the pardims argument to the glinv_gauss function, the branch length leading to the currently processing node, a vector of factors with three levels indicating which dimensions are missing or lost in the mother of the current node, and a vector of factors with the same three levels indicating missingness of the current node.


A function that accepts the same arguments as parfn and returns the Jacobian of parfn.


A function that accepts the same arguments as parfns and returns a list of three 3D arrays, named Phi, w, V respectively inside the list. ((hessfn)(...))$Phi[m,i,j] contains the cross second-order partial derivative of Φm\Phi_m (here we treat the matrix Φ\Phi as a column-major-flattened vector) with respect to the ii-th andjj-th parameters in the joint (H,θ,Σx)(H,\theta,\Sigma_x) vector, and ((hessfn)(...))$w[m,i,j] and ((hessfn)(...))$V[m,i,j] analogously contains second-order derivative of wmw_m and VmV'_m.


What is missing traits and lost traits

A ‘missing’ trait refers to a trait value whose data is missing due to data collection problems. Fundamentally, they evolves in the same manner as other traits. An NA entry in the data is deemed ‘missing’. On the other hand, a lost trait is a trait dimension which had ceased to exists during the evolutionary process. An NaN entry in the data indicates a ‘lost’ trait.

Each nodes has their own missing-ness tags

Each trait dimension of each nodes, either internal or tip, are tagged with one of the three labels: MISSING, LOST, and OK. If the data contains an NA in the pp-th dimension of the ii-th tip then XpiX_pi is tagged MISSING. No other tags of any other nodes and dimensions are changed in the case of missing-ness. On the other hands, the pp-th dimension of any node jj, regardless of whether or not it is an internal node or a tips, is tagged LOST if and only if the pp-th dimension of all tips inside the clade started at jj are NaN. Any entry that is neither tagged LOST nor MISSING are tagged OK.

This corresponds to the biological intuition that, if a value is missing only due to data collection problems, the missingness should not influence the random walk process way up the phylogenetic tree; and this is obviously not true if the trait had ceased to exists instead.

Handling of missing data and lost traits

ou_haltlost and ou_zaplost handles missing data in the same way: they simply marginalises the unobserved dimensions in the joint Gaussian distributions of tip data.

For lost traits, ou_haltlost assumes the followings:

  1. In the entire branch leading to the earliest node jj whose pp-th dimension is tagged LOST, the lost trait dimension does not evolve at all.

  2. In the entire same branch, the magnitude of the pp-th dimension at jj's mother node has no influence on other dimensions, in any instantaneous moments during the evolution in the branch, neither through the linear combination with the drift matrix nor the Wiener process covariance; in other words, the SDE governing the non-lost dimensions' random walk is invariant of jj's mother nodes' pp-th dimension.

Therefore, ou_haltlost first set the pp-th row and column of both of HjH_j and the pp-th row of SigmaxSigma_x to zero and marginalise out the degenerate Gaussian dimension.

On the other hands, ou_zaplost does not assume the lost trait to stop evolving immediately at moment when the branch leading to jj starts, but, instead, simply marginalise out the lost, non-degenerate Gaussian dimensions. This method is the same as the one that is used in the PCMBase package.

Usage in combination with parameter restrictions

Without paramter restriction, the following is an example usage in a call to the glinv function. It constructs a glinv model object which is capable of handling missing data and lost traits.

        mod.full = glinv(tree, x0, my_data,
                         parfns  = haltlost(oupar),
                         pardims = nparams_ou(k),
                         parjacs = dhaltlost(oujac),
                         parhess = hhaltlost(ouhess))

Note that we have the same naming convention that functions wrappers whose nams have prefix d wraps the Jacobians, while prefix d wraps the Hessians.

If parameter restriction is needed, then *ou_*lost should called before any reparameterisation/restriction functions because it expects the passed-in function parfn to accept the full HH matrix, rather than only the diagonal or lower-triangular part of it. Example:

        f = haltlost(oupar)
        g = dhaltlost(oujac)
        h = hhaltlost(oujac)
        mod.full = glinv(tree, x0, my_data,
                         parfns  = ou_spdH(f),
                         pardims = nparams_ou_spdH(k),
                         parjacs = dou_spdH(g),
                         parhess = ou_spdH(h,g))


ou_haltlost and ou_zaplost returns a wrapped versions of 'parfn', which accepts the same arguments and outputs in the same format. dou_haltlost and dou_zaplost, analogously, wraps jacfn. hou_zaplost and hou_zaplost wraps hessfn.

Parameterisation functions of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model


oupar is a function that maps from the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model parameters to the Gaussian parametersation.

oujac accepts the same arguments as oupar and returns the Jacobian matrix of oupar.

ouhess accepts the same arguments as oupar and returns all the second derivatives oupar. The returned values are consistent with the format required by glinv.


oupar(par, t, ...)

oujac(par, t, ...)

ouhess(par, t, ...)



A numeric vector containing the joint vector of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck drift matrix, long-term mean, and volitality matrix, which is a lower-triangular Cholesky factor.


Branch length of the currently processing node.


Unused in these functions. Their existence is needed because lik.glinv etc. always pass us four arguments. See lik.glinv for details.


By multivariate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, we mean

dx(t)=H(x(t)θ)dt+ΣxdW(t)dx(t) = -H(x(t) - \theta)dt + \Sigma_x dW(t)

where HH is a kk-by-kk matrix with real entries, θ\theta is any real kk-vector, Σx\Sigma_x is a lower-triangular matrix, W(t)W(t) is the Brownian motion process. The parameters of this model is (H,θ,Σx)(H,\theta,\Sigma_x), therefore k2+k+k(k+1)/2k^2+k+k(k+1)/2 dimensional.

This package uses parameterisation (H,θ,Σx)(H,\theta,\Sigma_x'), where HH and θ\theta is the same as above defined, and Σx\Sigma_x' is the lower-triangular part of Σx\Sigma_x, except that, only on diagonal entries, Σx=log(Σx)\Sigma_x'=log(\Sigma_x). The use of logarithm is for eliminating multiple local maxima in the log-likelihood.

The par arguemnt is the concatenation of column-major-flattened HH, θ\theta, and the column-major-flattened lower-triangular part of Σx\Sigma_x'.


oupar returns the a vector of concatenated (Φ,w,V)(\Phi, w, V'), where VV' is the lower triangular part of VV. oujac returns the Jacobian matrix of oupar. ouhess returns a list of three 3D arrays, named Phi, w, V respectively inside the list, in which ouhess(...)$Phi[m,i,j] contains the cross second-order partial derivative of Φm\Phi_m (here we treat the matrix Φ\Phi as a column-major-flattened vector) with respect to the ii-th andjj-th user parameters; and ouhess(...)$w[m,i,j] and ((parhess[[i]])(...))$V[m,i,j] analogously contains second-order derivative of wmw_m and VmV'_m.

Restrict the parameters space of OU and Brownian motion models.


ou_diagH, ou_diagH_fixedtheta_diagSig, etc., restricts the OU model's parameters. For example, ou_diagH restricts the drift HH to diagonal matrix, and ou_diagH_fixedtheta_diagSig further restricts theta to be a constant and Σx\Sigma_x' to be diagonal. A Brownian motion model can be made by these restriction.








ou_logspdH_fixedtheta(parfn, theta)

ou_spdH_fixedSig(parfn, Sig)

ou_fixedH_diagSig(parfn, H)


dou_logspdH_fixedtheta(jacfn, theta)

dou_spdH_fixedSig(jacfn, Sig)

dou_fixedH_diagSig(jacfn, H)


hou_logspdH_fixedtheta(hessfn, jacfn, theta)

hou_spdH_fixedSig(hessfn, jacfn, Sig)

hou_spdH_fixedtheta_fixedSig(hessfn, jacfn, theta, Sig)

hou_fixedH_diagSig(hessfn, H)






A function that maps from the user-parametrisation to the underlying Gaussian parameters. Each of them returns a vector of concatenated (Φ,w,V)(\Phi, w, V'), where VV' is the lower triangular part of VV, and accepts four arguments: a vector of parameters whose length is specified by the pardims argument to the glinv_gauss function, the branch length leading to the currently processing node, a vector of factors with three levels indicating which dimensions are missing or lost in the mother of the current node, and a vector of factors with the same three levels indicating missingness of the current node.


A function that accepts the same arguments as parfn and returns the Jacobian of parfn.


A function that accepts the same arguments as parfns and returns a list of three 3D arrays, named Phi, w, V respectively inside the list. ((hessfn)(...))$Phi[m,i,j] contains the cross second-order partial derivative of Φm\Phi_m (here we treat the matrix Φ\Phi as a column-major-flattened vector) with respect to the ii-th andjj-th parameters in the joint (H,θ,Σx)(H,\theta,\Sigma_x') vector, and ((hessfn)(...))$w[m,i,j] and ((hessfn)(...))$V[m,i,j] analogously contains second-order derivative with respect to wmw_m and VmV'_m.


A numerical vector containing the (flattened) fixed parameter HH.


A numerical vector containing the (flattened) fixed parameter thetatheta.


A numerical vector containing the (flattened) fixed parameter Σx\Sigma_x'.


An integer. The total number of dimensions of the multivariate traits.


An object of class list of length 4.


How reparametrisation and restriction works

In the simplest form, without any restriction or reparametrisation, the user typically needs to pass oupar, oujac, ouhess, all of which are simply functions which maps from the OU parameters (H,θ,Σx)(H,\theta,\Sigma_x') to the Gaussian paramters (Φi,wi,Vi)(\Phi_i,w_i,V'_i) for each node. For example:

        mod.full = glinv(tree, x0, my_data,
                         parfns  = oupar,
                         pardims = nparams_ou(k),
                         parjacs = oujac,
                         parhess = ouhess)

If one would like to restrict HH to only positively definite diagonal matrices, then the call should become

        mod.pddiag = glinv(tree, x0, my_data,
                           parfns  = ou_logdiagH(oupar),
                           pardims = nparams_ou_logdiagH(k),
                           parjacs = dou_logdiagH(oujac),
                           parhess = hou_logdiagH(ouhess))

Note that there is a naming convention that ou_* should be applied to 'oupar', dou_* to 'oujac', and hou_* to 'ouhess'. d stands for ‘derivative’ and h stands for ‘Hessian’.

In the above call, ou_logdiagH(oupar) accepts the oupar function as argument and returns a new function. This new function behaves the same way as oupar itself, except that it expects its first argument (which is the model parameters) to be of lower dimension, only consisting of (h,θ,Σx)(h,\theta,\Sigma_x') where hh is the diagonal vector of HH. The following example should be illustrative:

        f = ou_logdiagH(oupar)
        par.full = list(H     = matrix(c(3,0,0,2),2,2), # diagonal matrix
                        theta = c(4,5),
                        sig_x = c(1,0.1,1))
        par.restricted = list(H     = log(diag(par.full$H)),
                              theta = par.full$theta,
                              sig_x = par.full$sig_x)
        # [1] TRUE

Pre-defined restrictions

The following table summarises all the pre-defined ou_* functions. See oupar for precise meaning of the (H,θ,Σx)(H,\theta,\Sigma_x') mentioned below.

R function Parameter Format after Restriction
brn* Σx\Sigma_x'. The Brownian motion. HH and θ\theta are zero, thus missing.
*_diagH_* (h,θ,Σx)(h,\theta,\Sigma_x'), with h=diag(H)h=diag(H), and H is a diagonal matrix
*_logdiagH_* (log(h),θ,Σx)(log(h),\theta,\Sigma_x'), with h=diag(H)h=diag(H), and H is a diagonal matrix
*_symH_* (L,θ,Σx)(L,\theta,\Sigma_x'), with LL being lower-triangular part of the symmetric matrix HH
*_spdH_* (L,θ,Σx)(L,\theta,\Sigma_x'), with LL being Cholesky factor of the S.P.D. matrix HH
*_logspdH_* (L,θ,Σx)(L',\theta,\Sigma_x') where LL' equals LL, except that on the diagonals LiL'_i = logLilog L_i
*_fixedH_* (θ,Σx)(\theta,\Sigma_x'). HH is constant, hence missing
*_fixedtheta_* (H,Σx)(H,\Sigma_x'). θ\theta is constant, hence missing
*_fixedSig_* (H,θ)(H,\theta). Σx\Sigma_x is constant, hence missing
*_diagSig_* (H,θ,s)(H,\theta,s) where s=diag(Σxs=diag(\Sigma_x', with Σx\Sigma_x' being a diagonal matrix.

By Cholesky factor, we mean the only the non-zero part of the lower-triangular Cholesky factor. Restricting Σx\Sigma_x' to a diagonal matrix means that Σx\Sigma_x is also diagonal; and the variance of the Brownian motion is log(diag(Σx))log(diag(\Sigma_x')). In other words, the diagonal restriction is placed on Σx\Sigma_x', not Σx\Sigma_x.

Finding a list of these restriction functions

One can use print(avail_restrictions) to see a list of all of these restriction function names.

Calling these restriction functions

All *ou_* or *brn* functions accepts the same arguemnts as ou_logdiagH, dou_logdiagH, hou_logdiagH, nparams_ou_logdiagH as shown in the Usage and Arguments section, except that:

  1. If the reparametrisation contains any Cholesky decomposition (in other words, the function name contains spd or logspd) then in the Hessian-level reparameterisation function (named hou_*) an extra argument jacfn is required.

  2. If the reparametrisation contains any fixed parameters, extra arguments H, theta, or Sig are required, depending what is fixed.

For example, in the Usage section, ou_logspdH_fixedtheta takes an extra argument theta because of (2), and hou_spdH_fixedSig takes extra argument two extra arguments because of both (1) and (2) are true.

Simulate random trait values from models.


Simulate random trait values from the Gaussian branching process specified by mod.


rglinv(mod, par, Nsamp, simplify)

## S3 method for class 'glinv'
rglinv(mod, par, Nsamp = 1, simplify = TRUE)

## S3 method for class 'glinv_gauss'
rglinv(mod, par, Nsamp = 1, simplify = TRUE)



Either a glinv_gauss or glinv object.


Parameters underlying the simulation, in the same format as lik.glinv_gauss or lik.glinv.


Number of sample point to simulate.


If TRUE, rglinv.glinv returns an Nsamp-element list with each element being a tip-trait matrix; otherwise, rglinv.glinv returns an Nsamp-element list with each element being an nn-element list of kk-element trait vectors, where nn is the number of tips and kk is the dimension of each trait vector.


A list containing Nsamp elements, each of which represents a sample point from the model mod. The format of each elements depends on the simplify argument.

Set trait values at the tip for a glinv_gauss model.


If a glinv_gauss or glinv object were initalised with X=NULL, methods like lik will not work because it lacks actual data. In this case, the user should set the trait values using this method. If trait values were already set before, they will be replaced with the new trait values.


set_tips(mod, X)

## S3 method for class 'glinv_gauss'
set_tips(mod, X)

## S3 method for class 'glinv'
set_tips(mod, X)



A glinv_gauss or glinv object.


A matrix of trait values, in which X[p,n] stores the p-th dimension of the multivariate trait of the n-th tip of the phylogeny.


X can contain any NA nor NaN if set_tips is called on a glinv model but this is will result in error if the method were called on a glinv_gauss model.

This method alters an underlying C structure, therefore has a mutable-object semantic. (See example).


A model whose tip trait values are set.


tr = ape::rtree(10)
model  = glinv_gauss(tr, x0=c(0,0))  # The `X` argument is implicitly NULL
model2 = model                       # This is not copied!
traits = matrix(rnorm(20), 2, 10)
set_tips(model, traits)

Estimate the variance-covariance matrix of the maximum likelihood estimator.


varest estimates the uncertainty of an already-computed maximum likelihood estimate.


varest(mod, ...)

## S3 method for class 'glinv'
  method = "analytical",
  numDerivArgs = list(method = "Richardson", method.args = list(d = 0.5, r = 3)),
  num_threads = 2L,
  store_gaussian_hessian = FALSE, = list(),



An object of class glinv


Not used.


Either an object returned by fit.glinv or a vector of length mod$nparams that contains the maximum likelihood estimate.


Either ‘analytical’, ‘linear’ or ‘mc’. It specifies how the covariance matrix is computed.


Arguments to pass to numDeriv::jacobian. Only used if the user did not supply parjacs when constructing mod.


Number of threads to use.


If TRUE and method is not mc, the returned list will contain a (usually huge) Hessian matrix gaussian_hessian with respect to the Gaussian parameters Φ,w,V\Phi, w, V'. This option significantly increases the amount of memory the function uses, in order to store the matrix.

A list of additional arguments to pass to the mc method.


If method is analytical then the covariance matrix is estimated by inverting the negative analytically-computed Hessian at the maximum likelihood estimate; if it is mc then the estimation is done by using Spall's Monte Carlo simultaneous perturbation method; if it is linear then it is done by the "delta method", which approximates the user parameterisation with its first-order Taylor expansion.

The analytical method requires that parhess was specified when 'mod' was created. The linear method does not use the curvature of the reparameterisation and its result is sometimes unreliable; but it does not require the use of parhess. The mc method also does not need parjacs, but the it introduces an additional source complexity and random noise into the estimation; and a large number of sample may be needed.

The can have the following elements:


Integer. Number of Monte Carlo iteration to run. Default is 10000.


Numeric. Size of perturbation to the parameters. Default is 0.005.


Boolean. Whether to print progress and other information or not. Default is TRUE.


A list containing


The estimated variance-covariance matrix of the maximum likelihood estimator.


The maximum likelihood estimator passed in by the user.


The Hessian of the log-likelihood at the maximum likelihood estimate. Only exists when method is not mc


Optional, only exists when 'store_gaussian_hessian' is TRUE.


Spall JC. Monte Carlo computation of the Fisher information matrix in nonstandard settings. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. 2005 Dec 1;14(4):889-909.